The meaning of "break"
The word "Break" has four different and very specific meanings in amateur radio. Break should never be used when you simply want to join a conversation in progress. Use your callsign for that.
1. The first use of the word break is separate parts of one message, such as separating the address from the text, during the same transmission. E.g., "VE6XXX, this is VE6YYY, message from EOC to Foothills. BREAK. Ambulance will arrive at 14:55. BREAK. Over."
2. The second use of the word break is to terminate a message with one station and start a message to another during the same transmission. E.g., "VE6XXX, message received. BREAK. VE6YYY, has the helicopter arrived?"
3. The third use of break is to interupt an ongoing conversation with traffic of a higher priority. The frequency should be released immediately to the station calling break. E.g.,
"VE6YYY this is VE6XXX, what was the final score?"
VE6YYY should then transmit "Station calling break go ahead," and wait with the score until later. VE6YYY must not simply say "I acknowledge the break," then finish his/her conversation before relinquishing the frequency.
"VE6YYY this is VE6XXX, go ahead with your results."
VE6YYY should then transmit "Station calling break break go ahead, VE6YYY standing by.
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