Sunday, December 2, 2007

Using repeaters

Using repeaters

Repeaters are meant to be used for communicating with two or more stations that are not close enough to each other to be properly heard by all stations on a simplex frequency. Peak repeater times in cities are normally during rush hour. During this time more stations are on during a very short time frame, so your transmissions should be kept shorter to allow everyone a chance to speak.

  1. Listen on the frequency for more than a few seconds before initiating a call. The repeater may be busy with someone momentarily standing by.
  2. If the repeater is not busy and you wish to establish a conversation use the phrase "VE6ZYX monitoring." After releasing the PTT anyone wishing to speak with you will come back with their callsign. If no one comes back to your call you, do not continue repeating your callsign. This is redundant and very annoying. There may be many people monitoring who don't wish to speak with you at this time. You may try your call again later in case someone else comes on to monitor that may wish to speak with you.
  3. Identify yourself at the beginning and end of a contact, and every 30 minutes during a contact. Remember to use full callsigns, partial callsigns are illegal.
  4. In general, give mobile stations priority over base stations, especially during rush hour. The mobile station may be asking for directions or reporting traffic congestion.
  5. Wait for a "squelch-tail" or "go-ahead tone" after each transmission. This allows time for another person to join in the conversation as well as allowing for the repeater "time-out timer" to be reset.
  6. If you want to join an established conversation don't use the word "Break", which has specific meanings (see the meaning of "break" above). To enter a conversation insert your full callsign between transmissions. This will then be acknowledged by those using the repeater.
  7. A repeater that is in use during a public service event or during an emergency situation should not be accessed while this is in progress. If necessary, contact net control or designate for permission to call for your station and move them to another frequency. Keeping the repeater frequency clear during these events can make the difference during life threatening situations.
  8. Profane or obscene language is not permitted, and will not be tolerated by Industry Canada and other radio amateurs.
  9. 0n voice repeaters voice procedures should be used. This also applies to all voice frequencies within our amateur bands. The use of "Q" codes (e.g., QSL, QSO, QTH, QRT, etc.) should be reserved for CW conversations and CW nets. It is much easier to say what you really mean in the first place.
  10. When checking into voice nets don't use the word "Break" unless you have higher priority or emergency traffic. Also don't use check, recheck, contact, etc. All that is required for getting the net controller's attention is a simple transmission of your callsign. Net control now knows immediately who you are.
  11. Never check into a net and then leave without first notifying net control of your intentions. Net control may have traffic for you at a later time. It is most frustrating when net control calls you and you've left the frequency.
  12. Repeaters with mail box facilities having subscribers should not have priority over traffic to access their mailbox. Try to access your mailbox when the repeater is not in use.
  13. Last but not least, let us have fun on our amateur radio repeaters. They can become very useful during emergencies, as well as bringing much enjoyment to new amateurs traveling through our cities.

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